Squeeing with joy

I’m not a pig though.

I’ve been a bad blogger (does this remind anyone of “bad kitty!!”?) lately. I have been busy with REAL LIFE (deserves caps), dealing with massive amounts of drama and work there…I have been in SecondLife, but could never be bothered to take pictures, let alone blog. Guess what? You can’t get rid of me that easily!

Yes, let’s have another winegum and remember life is great. And..awesome. And it has sunshine (sometimes). And money (sometimes). And alcohol. This was a sad attempt at pretending I have a life other than working and going home and log onto SL. Don’t tell anyone!

K..now we got that w(h)inefest out of the way, let’s have a look at this:

Words cannot describe the awesome. That’s the photostudio I whined over a couple of weeks ago. That I managed to get anyway *does a little dance*. It has about 1200 poses in it (I kid, I kid), and everyone and their dog should own it. That tiny person there is me owning it. OWNED. Seriously, this post is getting lamer and lamer every second.

This is me gazing in awe at the studio like it’s some kind of famous chapel. Hey, it’s any and every photographer’s wet dream! Even though I’m female, I think I’ll have wet dreams over this one. I want it in real life! Can someone build it for me please? I’ll be happy forever and live in it!

Speaking of living. I got rid of my old house (obviously) to make room for this bundle of awesome right here. It’s 49 or 50 prims, my land is only 50 prims, so I’m gonna live in my photostudio. Because I’m cool like that.

Look (or..don’t), it’s a dentist’s chair! WHY does this barstool remind me of “the dentist will be with you soon” *shudders*. It has poses in it though. None of them include dentists.

Nina’s drive-in movie theatre. Room for: 5 people.Movies every Monday and Wednesday, bring your own popcorn BUT GET YOUR STICKY HANDS OFF MY FRICKIN FURNITURE.

Some kind of..bed (with poses) and 3 wall pictures you can modify yourself. As I did above.

This awesome dress is superold and this blog is sucking more every second. Want to know what’s new in SL? Don’t ask me, I’m busy blogging stuff from the past;)

I’m gonna end this post with a closeup of my face. Which also includes something actually recent! Yay, I’m a good blogger after all! The eyes are from Insufferable Dastard, and they’re a free March gift at the store! Confetti eyes *throws around confetti*

Next blog: must try harder.

Stuff I’m wearing that you could be interested in

Hair: Truth
Skin: DrLife
Eyes: Insufferable Dastard
Eyelashes: !imabee
Blush+freckles+eyelashes: Noirilicious
Cherry lips: Heartsick
Tattoo body: [HUZ]
Tattoo neck (not visible but who cares \o/ ): Little Pricks

Dress (complete with armwarmers, legwarmers,belt, the whole shizzle): May’s Soul
Necklace: League
Rose (in hair): *ICING*

Photostudio with poses: oOo Studio